Friday, January 19, 2018

Snow Days

What a short week it was due to all of these snow days!

We are getting all caught up from last week and hopefully by next week, we will be back into our normal routine!

We are moving right along through division and they are picking it up quickly. We did a brief review of chapter 8: the Solar System, which was from the Eclipse week. We also finished a unit on prefixes and they took an online quiz today along with their vocab and Bible tests. Next week, we will really begin learning about matter, Asia, and much more.
As we transition into this semester, remember, students should become more independent- We will work on preparing them for 4th grade.
Today we also learned a little bit about Martin Luther King Jr. Here is a picture of our class with our January bulletin board.

Remember, assignments, vocabulary words, and spelling words will all be posted on RenWeb.

Have a great weekend!!

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